When the unthinkable happens, how will your team respond?

Real-world experience in public safety & emergency management.

Kim Gin Professional Solutions offers specialized mass fatality management and executive communication solutions tailored to impact the critical needs of any agency. Let us share our expertise in planning for mass fatalities, quickly identifying victims, policy and procedure preparation and managing community relations.

How will your team respond in a time of crisis? Let our experience make a difference.

Mass fatality disaster medicological photo collage

Areas of Expertise

If it’s in the medicological field, we can help! Our services can be tailored to fit the exact needs of your agency.

  • Plans and training can include body recovery, family assistance center, victim identification, DNA collection and testing, morgue operations, training and more. Other topics can be included depending on the needs of the agency.

  • Community and media relations are two very important parts of any incident. Let us train you and your staff to be prepared for a mass incident or simply day-to-day operations. All services are tailored to the agency.

  • Preparing for a mass fatality incident does not have to be a budget-buster. Grant writing takes time and preparation. Let us help you find and write grants for medicolegal grant opportunities.

  • Let us help you prepare policy and procedure for mass fatality incidents, day-to-day operations and addressing new legislation that will impact your agency.

  • Consultation is available on proposed legislation and preparing for the changes it will bring to your agency.

  • We are happy to provide testimony, testimony preparation and case review for medicolegal death cases.

  • Preparing for accreditation can be daunting and time consuming. Let us ease the burden on your agency.

  • Unidentified cases often need a fresh review, and new technology can offer potential leads for identification. Let us review your cold cases and help solve them!

“Kim Gin has long been considered California's leading expert in mass fatality scene management and forensic analysis.”

Sheriff Darren Thompson (Ret.) San Benito County

Kim Gin portrait
Disaster victim photo

Be ready when your community needs you.

American Board of Medicological Investigators logo
California State Coroners Association

“I first met Kim during the 2018 Camp Fire. Kim volunteered to do the victim identification, and she was also willing to evaluate the potential for Rapid DNA to help. I cannot emphasize the magnitude of this disaster, and Kim was an amazingly thoughtful, organized, and compassionate leader – everyone involved looked up to her and took heart from her strength.

Kim was results-driven. As she saw the benefits of Rapid DNA, she allocated more resources to the technology and supported our efforts. Kim is one of the most incredible people I’ve ever worked with, and I will always remember the lessons I learned from her and cherish the time I spent working with her.”

Dr. Richard F Selden, MD, PhD
Founder and Chief Scientific Officer